With pleasure we announce that April 6th at 18:00, the exhibition “SELECT” by Elza Lapiņa and Uģis Albiņš will be opened at MABOCA gallery Visuma Centrs 2.


The opening program will feature Juke rhythms by the band “Ceriņi” (Džūka Čūska & Labais Dāma) and Tv Maskava

+ a mistery guest


All are warmly welcome!






About the exhibition: “We invite you to view the content in order to personalize the encounter, adapt and appreciate the visual materials, and ensure an experience. By visiting the exhibition, you choose to undertake all necessary actions that reflect and individual’s ability to realize their will.”


The exhibition will be open from April 6th to May 10th.

The exhibition is supported by State Culture Capital Foundation.


Exhibition hours: Mon, Tue, Thu 12:00 – 14:00; Sun 12:00 – 16:00. For other times, please contact via Instagram @mabocafestival or by phone at 22564227



Image credits: Aksels Bruks




Photos by Tv Maskava